Puppy Page #2  Mac n' Sasha's Candy Bars.  Born April 12, 2008
Last Update;
April 7, 2019
Grommet is going to be a show boy.  I THINK.  Still a little early to tell.   He's definitely got the attitude!
Grommet trying to get the kitty
Draco/Taku meeting Sugar/Sierra
Oh, that's their mama Brenda.  :)
Grommet thinks everything and everybody is/are his. 
Like father, like son???
13 weeks
Fighting with the Poodle.
Not sure what to label this one???
To see Grommet growing up Click here.
You can go to his litter's pages here
Here's Sugar/Sierra and her mama
Sorry, couldn't get that shot to save so I couldn't turn it.  We Lost Sierra in 2018.  She's at Rainbow's Bridge with her best pal Taku.
Here's my buddy Grommet.  He'll be 11 next week.  He's doing very well.  A little stiff some mornings but not bad.  He LOVES cookies!
There are a gillion pictures of him all over the site.  Just check out all his litters.  He's enjoying his retirement and hangs out with his mama and Suji Moo.